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2024-25 recital date - May 17th

DANCE RECITAL: May 17th at 1 pm

We like to plan an annual dance recital. This is a wonderful experience and a great performance opportunity! The dance concert is optional; however, it finishes the work the students have put in throughout the year. Rehearsal is scheduled for Friday, May 16th at West Elementary School and the recital is scheduled for Saturday May 17th at West Elementary School. There is a $40 recital fee per family due in April. You may bring as many guests as you like.

COSTUME INFORMATION –details are with your costume

HAIR: All hair pulled up to a BUN, no bangs. Slick bangs back with a combination of hair gel, water and hairspray. Bangs can be braided into hair to keep them back. Hair nets can be used to secure buns.

MAKEUP: All performers will need to wear stage makeup. The suggested colors are: EYES: Lavender/violet BLUSH: rose MASCARA: black LIPS: rose CLEAR NAIL POLISH!! No jewelry, rings, earrings, necklaces, watches or hair accessories except costume accessories.

Our recital is scheduled for Saturday, May 25th at West Elementary School @ 1:00 p.m. Admission is free. . Dancers need to arrive no later than 12:40 pm. Pre-tap and 5 year old classes don’t need to be there until Intermission scheduled for 2:00 pm. Please be there no later that 1:40 pm –come in your first costume–hair and makeup ready to go–wear cover-up over costume–meet in your dressing room. Audience seating is general admission. The house opens at 12:30 p.m. Parking is on the streets near the auditorium. Carpool if possible. We have a nice auditorium with bad parking. You can drop off guests at the West entrance, which also serves as the handicapped entrance.

*There will be no entry at the door facing the playground. (Our backstage door)

*Dancers will stay backstage with their class through the entire recital.

*Please send a quiet project with your child.

*If you send snacks with your child, please make sure it is nothing that can make a mess (NO POPCORN).

*We will have an encore number after the finale to safely get the dancers back to their dressing rooms. Please stay seated in the auditorium until after that performance, and then send one adult to pick up the dancer backstage. We are trying to reduce traffic backstage after the show!

*Put your name on your shoes, costume and accessories.

*Pictures are scheduled early to make sure everyone gets their pictures before recital. This year pictures will be on April 27th. Makeup Pictures are May 2nd at 7:15 pm if you missed pictures and still want them!



*Please, no flash photography at the rehearsal or recital. It is dangerous for the dancers.

*During the recital if you need to enter or exit the auditorium, please do so between numbers. Please pass this information to your guests before the dance concert.

*DVD’s will be available this year! You can start purchasing in May!

*Please, double knot your dance shoes if you have ties.

*Remember, no underwear—tights only, please.

*If you don’t have buckle tap shoes, please have elastic in tap shoes.

*Tap and jazz shoes should be black. Ballet shoes should be pink.

*Costume and tuition balances must be paid in full  before the dancer will be allowed to participate in the recital.




Please come in your costume with hair and makeup done, then proceed to the stage where we will run your number several times. If you have another dance, you will change into that costume and repeat the procedure. If you only have one number you may leave after your stage rehearsal or stay and watch. Please arrive at  rehearsal on time. We run a tight schedule and wouldn’t want to have you miss out on practicing on the stage-we usually run ahead of schedule. The rehearsal schedule is as follows: (will have in April!)





*We could run ahead of schedule so please be prepared to be there 20 minutes early. We also could run behind so please be patient. Thanks!


*How rehearsal works:

- Full dress rehearsal! Wear costumes, hair and make-up just like for recital! This way you can test out how many bobby pins to hold accessories, if your makeup looks good on stage, and if you costume needs any adjustments!

- Wait in auditorium until your dance’s turn

- Line up in hallway outside stage doors when it’s your turn

- Parents can watch in the auditorium!

- Each dance has 10 minutes to run through their dance and get comfortable with the stage. Some classes may be quicker, some may take a few extra minutes, but we try our best to do what’s best for each dance group!

-You do not have to stay for all of rehearsal!

            -If you still owe money, have questions, need new tights, lose something, want to register for summer…there will be a table in front of the stage to help you out!




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